11 March 2024

Vital communication with Smartsign at Attunda Fire Department

The flow of information at a fire station is immense. Attunda Fire Department consists of six stations with firefighters working around the clock and in shifts with longer breaks. Since the employees are rarely in the same place at the same time, it has been a challenge to ensure that important information reaches everyone.
As expected, the alarm screen is the most important to keep an eye on as it shows ongoing alarms. But there is much more relevant information to convey. Traffic information, road closures, and weather forecasts help the responding unit choose the right route and can be crucial for the operation. News from the intranet, training, and seasonal information are other updates that employees shouldn’t miss. When staff are spread out both in time and space, a total solution for communication is required. Attunda has tackled this challenge with the help of Smartsign.
“A friend advised me about digital signage, and I started exploring various solutions. Smartsign and their partner ATEA stood out with their flexible platform,” says Anna Granlund, communications manager at Attunda Fire Department.
According to Anna, what works best is content that is close to people, and things that affect them and their work. But Anna also tries new approaches to draw attention to the content on the screens. And she doesn’t update everything herself. By distributing access to colleagues, each can be responsible for their own part of the screen area and contribute to the whole.
Read the full case study and watch the video about the Attunda Fire Department here.

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